Through the years, I have come up with the solution to the troublesome  question on what are the 5 things everyone needs in their kitchen. 

Whether it is that you need space or don't have enough resources, I have come up with a list that is sure to help everyone from a begging to intermediate level cook. 


  1. A good chef's knife. A good knife makes a difference in your cutting therefor reflects on your cooking. 
  2. Spices. Even a basic receipts such as scrambled eggs can benefit from some spices. 
  3. Blender. A good blender can replace a mixer, a whisk, a shredder, and much more. It not only saves you space, but money as well.
  4. A recipe book. Not only do they have a variation of books, but a single book can open your mind to different recipes and examples. It is always fun to experiment, don't be scared! 
  5. A pot. It may sound strange, but pans are much more common than pots. However, you can do sauces and much more with pots than with pans, so investing in a good pot is recommended.
Yes, there is so much more you can buy, but I believe having this basics down is a great way to start.

Hopefully this was off help to you.

If you have any more recommendations don't be afraid to share!
Spices make everything nice! Example of a good knife


  1. This is a great list you put together.

  2. Definitely 5 essential things needed in the kitchen. Especially a good knife, can’t express enough how important it is to have one.

  3. Very helpful! Will be using when I start renovating the kitchen


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